Gradle - running tests in Continuous Build

In a previous post, we saw Gradle's continuous build in action. If you use Test Driven Development at work, you will be running your tests after every code change. Let's leverage Gradle's continuous build so that you don't have to trigger the tests every time you change your code manually.…

Micronaut - Reloading using Gradle's Continuous Build

I have written about my thoughts on hot loading in general in this post. Micronaut from version 1.2 started supporting continuous build, but you had to manually add the configuration entries to your project. With the 2.0 version, Micronaut supports 'continuous build' out of the box. Both Gradle…

Gradle - Continuous Build

Back in 2015, Gradle introduced this feature which they called 'continuous build'. Those days, I was exploring Ratpack, and it was the first toolkit/ framework to leverage the continuous build feature. The idea here is to rerun the tasks whenever there is a code change. Gradle will first run the…

A Feel of Groovy DSL with an Example from Gradle

If you have used Gradle build system, probably you have already been used and benefited from the DSL capabilities of Groovy language. In this post, let us take a peek at such an example. Consider the following piece of DSL from a Gradle configuration. plugins { id 'java' } The plugins section…