Micronaut HTTP Client - just the response body

In a previous post, we used io.micronaut.http.client.BlockingHttpClient to get response from an HTTP endpoint. We used the exchange method as follows. HttpResponse response = client.toBlocking().exchange("/greeting", String) If you are using Java instead of Groovy, you will pass "String.class" instead of "String".We had…

Lambda Expressions Syntax - Java vs Kotlin

Both Java and Kotlin support lambda expressions. There are similarities in their syntax, though they are precisely not the same. Many of you may be using both languages at work. When you use multiple languages, the syntax of another language may peek in. In my example, after using Groovy for…

Micronaut CLI - The JVM Version

A few weeks ago, when I was checking for the versions of a tool on SDKMAN CLI, I noticed the broadcast message that a Micronaut 2 is available. If you are not familiar with SDKMAN already, you may want to take a look at my post on SDKMAN I installed…

SDKMAN - A must-have for all developers using JVM

Did you ever have to work with multiple Java projects and each of them was on different version Java or any JVM tools? SDKMAN is a CLI tool for managing multiple versions of Java and JVM tools. I started using this tool in its earlier form known as GVM(Groovy…

Micronaut HTTP Client - Parsing Response

I am using Micronaut 2.0 in this post. You can verify your version using the mn -Version command. Let us generate a controller using the create-controller command provided by the Micronaut CLI as follows. I am launching the CLI from myapp directory. ➜ myapp mn mn> create-controller com.nareshak.…

Book Review: Java by Comparison

Here is my review of the book Java by Comparison - Become a Java Craftsman in 70 Examples authored by Simon Harrer, Jörg Lenhard, and Linus Dietz. TLDR Version:As I was reading the book, I felt why this book didn't exist when I started my profession as a software…