IDE generated code - a good idea?

In my previous post I mentioned how pain acted as a trigger to positive action. In this post, let's analyse potential solutions to the problem I had mentioned in the above post and what can we learn from them. At the time of this incident, our team was using an…

Micronaut External Config

In one of the previous posts, I described how to have configurations per environment and why it a bad idea to build your jar for every environment. Also we saw how to read configuration values from property sources. Many times you might not be in a position to enumerate your…

Micronaut - A common mistake with the use of @Value

Micronaut provides io.micronaut.context.annotation.Value for injecting value from the property source into a variable. Spring framework also provides a similar annotation. Can you spot the mistake in the below code? package com.nareshak; import io.micronaut.context.annotation.Value; import io.micronaut.http.MediaType; import io.micronaut.…

Micronaut Environment Specific Configuration

In my previous post I described the anti-pattern of rebuilding your artifacts for every environment and explained why it is a bad idea. I also mentioned that modern frameworks support environment specific out of the box. In this post let's see this in action using Micronaut. I will be using…

Upcoming GIDS Talk - Evolving with Java

DetailsI have had the opportunity to work with several developers having a wide range of experience during my coaching engagements. Some of them were happily ignoring the features available in modern versions of the language and busy writing more code and fixing bugs, while others wanted to improve their skills…

Micronaut 1.1 - Improvements in JUnit Tests

Micronaut 1.1.0.RC2 is the latest version as of writing this post. JUnit 5 is now the default test framework for Java projects. Following are the dependencies from the service we created using Micronaut 1.0.5 dependencies { annotationProcessor "io.micronaut:micronaut-inject-java" annotationProcessor "io.micronaut:micronaut-validation" compile "io.…

Micronaut 1.1 - Challenges with IntelliJ IDEA

Micronaut version 1.1 RC2 is the latest as of writing this post. One of my previous post describes how to create a service in Micronaut. That post was created using version 1.0.5. I was pleasantly surprised to see JUnit 5 as the default test framework for Java…