Micronaut Environment Specific Configuration

In my previous post I described the anti-pattern of rebuilding your artifacts for every environment and explained why it is a bad idea. I also mentioned that modern frameworks support environment specific out of the box. In this post let's see this in action using Micronaut. I will be using…

Micronaut Service with Groovy & Spock

Micronaut supports Java, Groovy and Kotlin languages. In this post let's explore creating a service using Groovy language and Spock testing framework. If you don't have the Micronaut CLI installed, this post has the details of how to get it installed. 1.1.0 is the latest version of Micronaut…

Micronaut 1.1 - Improvements in JUnit Tests

Micronaut 1.1.0.RC2 is the latest version as of writing this post. JUnit 5 is now the default test framework for Java projects. Following are the dependencies from the service we created using Micronaut 1.0.5 dependencies { annotationProcessor "io.micronaut:micronaut-inject-java" annotationProcessor "io.micronaut:micronaut-validation" compile "io.…

Micronaut 1.1 - Challenges with IntelliJ IDEA

Micronaut version 1.1 RC2 is the latest as of writing this post. One of my previous post describes how to create a service in Micronaut. That post was created using version 1.0.5. I was pleasantly surprised to see JUnit 5 as the default test framework for Java…

Micronaut Configuration for CLI

In my previous post we saw how to create a service using micronaut CLI. When you create an application/project using the CLI command mn, the preferences you entered are saved in a file named 'micronaut-cli.yml', which can be found at the project top level directory. Let's take a…

Creating a Service with Micronaut

Micronaut is a framework on JVM to develop microservices and serverless (FaaS) based applications. Micronaut support Java, Groovy and Kotlin languages. Let's quickly get our hands wet with creating a service using Micronaut. Installing Micronaut CLIIf you are are on a *nix platform and not using SDKMAN, I highly recommend…