Micronaut HTTP Client - Parsing Response

I am using Micronaut 2.0 in this post. You can verify your version using the mn -Version command. Let us generate a controller using the create-controller command provided by the Micronaut CLI as follows. I am launching the CLI from myapp directory. ➜ myapp mn mn> create-controller com.nareshak.…

Book Review: Java by Comparison

Here is my review of the book Java by Comparison - Become a Java Craftsman in 70 Examples authored by Simon Harrer, Jörg Lenhard, and Linus Dietz. TLDR Version:As I was reading the book, I felt why this book didn't exist when I started my profession as a software…

A Feel of Groovy DSL with an Example from Gradle

If you have used Gradle build system, probably you have already been used and benefited from the DSL capabilities of Groovy language. In this post, let us take a peek at such an example. Consider the following piece of DSL from a Gradle configuration. plugins { id 'java' } The plugins section…

IDE generated code - a good idea?

In my previous post I mentioned how pain acted as a trigger to positive action. In this post, let's analyse potential solutions to the problem I had mentioned in the above post and what can we learn from them. At the time of this incident, our team was using an…

Using Pain as a Trigger to Positive Action

Recently I gave a talk titled "Evolving with Java - How to Remain Relevant and Effective" in GIDS on the Java Day of the conference. The talk was centred around using pain as the triggering point for positive action. Let me tell you the incident that triggered this thought. It…